New neighbourhood reception centres

TSEDEK wants to expand its work to other disadvantaged neighbourhoods

There are neighbourhoods, or cities, where there is no structure to take care of children and young people after school and during school holidays.

The lack of opportunity is a scourge that affects more and more children in Israel. Idleness during leisure time appears to be the cause of several inappropriate and even deviant behaviours.

When parents don’t have time or are themselves overwhelmed with problems of all kinds, the children are unfortunately left on their own…

TSEDEK’s centres are intended to be open and welcoming places that offer young people activities that are both flexible and structured. Thus, every evening, young people between the ages of 13 and 18 join these centres. Available and experienced instructors welcome and guide them.  They can:

  • relax, reunite with young people their own age or meet new people, chat, use the equipment available to them (electronic games and videos, board games, computers, hot and cold drinks, etc.),
  • participate in regular and structured activities: computer classes, photography workshop, remedial classes and school support…

TSEDEK centres aim to help children regain a place in society and overcome the problems they have experienced.

Would you like to be part of this beautiful project?

It is possible to dedicate a new center to someone, to his memory.

France : Aide aux enfants
104, Boulevard Malesherbes
75017 Paris

Israel : 20, Nikanor Street
PoBox 10252
91102 Jerusalem


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