Children’s villages

Supporting host families in their difficult tasks

TSEDEK offers to these children, removed from their biological families by court order, activities to help them rebuild.

In Israel, as in every country in the world, there are unfortunately children who do not have the chance to have loving and balanced parents to cherish and care for them.

Whether they are orphans or from families in great economic or social difficulties (drugged parents, alcoholics, prison, sick, interned, violent…), children need to regain some stability. Children’s homes include several foster families that, as the name suggests it, welcome children and take care of their emotional and material needs.

The adoptive parents, assisted by TSEDEK monitors and girls from the National Civil Service, are attentive to their needs; whether it’s helping a child get up in the morning, get dressed, accompany them to school, stay with them if they’re in pain, put down or clear the table on days when everything jostles, tell a story before sleeping or just listen or talk to them…

To succeed, these host families are supported – in different ways – by TSEDEK who takes an active part in their daily lives. TSEDEK organizes a wide range of educational and recreational activities, to keep children busy at the end of school (which in Israel ends around 1 p.m.): school support classes, artistic activities (dance, music, handicrafts…), sports activities (football clubs, basketball…), social and community activities (visit to the sick, support for soldiers, meeting elderly people…).

Would you like to be part of this beautiful project?

France : Aide aux enfants
104, Boulevard Malesherbes
75017 Paris

Israel : 20, Nikanor Street
PoBox 10252
91102 Jerusalem


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